He was sent back in time to protect her.
He was sent back in time to protect her.
They ain’t got snacks in Washington?
Sure it does, Herr Oral Wank.
SPF 30? What is this weak-ass shit? It doesn’t even come with ChemTrail Block or snowflake skin thickener.
I miss beefs with bullets.
“We appreciate President Trump’s sentiment, but a pardon is unnecessary. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Muhammad Ali in a unanimous decision in 1971.”
Kardashian paused, then: “I think Kanye’s already given him legitimacy in that way.”
Doug Ford is Rob Ford Light.
Same, but the weed helps with the Canadians.
Canada’s going to lure away our best and brightest with their Trump-free weedtopia.
A conservative progressive is someone who drinks light beer.
You might need a moat for that fucker.
2.a: Gringo.
The first taco is free, the second one will give you the runs.
Yep, he’s in a high-trafficked food pod in Portland. He’s about to get Moses’ed.
My breath smells like cat food.