
Actually.....but seriously, if we’re talking shameful and tacos, there’s only one true contender:

I would offer to give him the Nobel Peace prize for not running again in 2020.

I can eat a whole pie over the course of a night.

Whine-1-1, what’s your emergency?

I don’t know about kids, but I use a pizza cutter for my quesadillas and it’s fantastic, especially since it prevents all the stuff from gooshing out as it would with a regular knife.

Is John Mulaney’s schtick that he’s Troy McClure?

As always, I am here to offer a compromise to as seemingly intractable problem.

Chinese: “Your beef is tinged with madness and fury.”

I hope the false teeth get an Oscar for that performance.

Damn, you guys didn’t need to publish her name and everything. Now the Oldest Person serial killer’s going to find her.

The Game Of Thrones creator is executive producing this adaptation of his 1980 novella of the same name. That book was reportedly inspired by someone telling Martin he couldn’t successfully blend horror and sci-fi together,

It’s not like she said everyone is getting 40 kilos and a drug mule.

No, the “white” pronunciation is the standard American English usage, his use of the “hwite” pronunciation made me think it’s a signal that he’s well-educated or let’s let David Duke explain it:

During the call his character on the phone, Ron, has an almost John Candyesque (i know he’s a canuck, but he played middle america) “midwestern” accent. You can tell because later on his cop character says “hwite” vs Ron’s “white.”

“What are you protesting?”

Weird to see Baby Denzel in action. It’s like you see glimmers of his dad in his performance but that must be all the real Denzel he passed on to his son.

Walk it off.

Not just White dudes, but Russian White dudes, I’m willing to bet.

Or giant raspberries. The real problem is that someone has to touch your berries to stuff them. So these are going to be expensive as fuck.

Doubtful these can be rechargeable and still be cheap enough to justify their use vs. just buying a regular can. This is a novelty, don’t see it becoming a part of everyday use.