
“Daddy, why is that man eating his shoe.”

Really feel this cheapens all the chalupas that died so that these students could have the privilege to never take anything seriously.

How else is Rocket going to wear it in battle at the next movie?

Where’s the code?

+1 allowable insect parts.


Cultural appropriation much? You don’t see us fucking wallabys and feeding babies to our dingoes over here, do you?

Sounds like sour Drakes to me.

Make it a kids menu/coloring page with a connect-the-dots puzzle that reads “MIND YOUR FUCKING KIDS”

Nope, it’s like replacing pickles with relish. The essence of the kimchi (which is what I’m assuming she wanted to add to this recipe) is the fiery fermentation. The pickled vegetable is just the delivery vehicle.

And expecting a Jesuit to turn the other

I’m guessing they’ll sell the individually packaged meal kits + recipe that you would get in a box. Just another of their prepared food offerings.

Pro-tip: all the produce at Costco is starting to go bad.

But aren’t you the Black folk of Asians? The check is in the mail.

This is not how you get millenials into Costco. The problem with Costco is the people who shop at Costco. Now make it part of your sameday delivery and we may have something.  

It seems like the kimchi would add a textural problem (i.e. make it a mess) to the pimento cheese. Why not just add gochujang to your pimento cheese and call it a day?

“I’m not going to get fired; Trump hasn’t even paid me yet!”

That guy’s pinging my tomato-meter.

This is how you know you’ve made it; when they actually have to go through the courts to get you.