
Yeah, Costco’s already been selling these (and I’ve been buying them). It’s not because of germs, though, but because you since they’re individually wrapped they don’t get freezer burn and so you can go ahead and feel free to buy 30lbs of chicken thighs without having to worry about them going to waste or chicken

“Categorized as a gateway drug.”

Bitch, please, I am not that one-dimensional.


I’m guessing “Verified Paternity Test” was taken.

This is official and everything, tho.

“vernacular authenticity and rhythmic dynamism”

lol, it was too perfect that the dude’s name was Weston.

That poor dude, you can tell he’s at his breaking point.


“From ratchet ho, to professiono.”

Yeah, but you can’t make a burrito out of a corn tortilla.

This is a justification of their logical fallacy that things that cost more are better. Because they must be, right? Otherwise they’re wasting all that money on gluten-free tortillas that fall apart when exposed to air.

Let me guess, Iyanla is a Baptist.

I was gonna say, he must be addicted to frappucinos.

Downgrade: this one’s just plain mayo instead of maychup.

Now playing

They’re using an electric keyboard, but imagine this with a pipe organ and some beatboxing:

I don’t think it’s physically possible to do an acoustic version of this, but if someone manages to do so? I think that achievement alone would make it okay.