Franky drinks Darjeeling tea (made sense with the avatar gif)

Word my friend . Word.

ing ary ly tion es ics ful?

He isn’t Australian. He was born and raised in America, then came to live here for some years. This is certainly where he got his career start, but then he moved back to America.

Mel Gibson was perfect! Who better to lead “behaving badly with alcohol”?

Gibson’s celebrity replacement has yet to be announced.”

On the one hand, what was Gibson doing these days that he had enough time to do this?


idk I thought there was something truly campy in how unaware the twins were, they are already the characters to what Drag likes to skewer.

This comment won’t get nearly enough stars.

I agree. In the Last Jedi, Star Wars once again failed to give us an all out Sidious live action fight worthy of his badassness. This Clone Wars fight is just pure awesomeness. Sidious is graceful, powerful and deadly. What makes it even better is that for several episodes Opress and Maul had overwhelmed and killed

At my small watch party we all thought that Amethyst’s performance was hilarious. It wasn’t anything groundbreaking, but it stood out from the endless lip syncs and was just the right level of “stupid” the judges are always asking for. She definitely didn’t deserve to be bottom two.

oh hello!

I knew a man named D. Idaho,

speaking as someone who came out in the early 90s and had this response from friends and family, it actually came as a relief to be told “we know.” — i carried all this fear for well over a decade because i thought i was the only one who felt that way or realized what was going on, but in reality everyone around me

“We know” seems pretty tame compared to the alternative.

I’m guessing he’ll be the softspoken yet soulfully observant sidekick to the GodEmporer’s crosscountry Americana escapades.

It can be homophobic (“oh, we know you’re gay, we’ve seen your music collection”), but family and close friends tend to notice a lot and teenagers aren’t as sly as they think they are. Sometimes it’s really just a case of noticing all those sideways glances.

After I came out, my mom told my aunt that I was gay, and her reaction was, “what? He’s been out for years!

My mom got horrified, then started to cry and then told me that I was doomed and little by little she started accepting it.

It’s not. I think it’s just an opportunity for us all to pat his ass and say “You’re so brave.”