Franky drinks Darjeeling tea (made sense with the avatar gif)

Oh wow, you were actually serious? I’m not the one awarding Oscars. There are members of the Academy that will see a movie like Barbie and write it off because it’s a fantasy movie. There are morals, themes and messages in most movies, and they’re not mutually exclusive from who the characters are. The Academy usually

I’ll see if she’s got some time and cares enough to.


You seem nice.

I did say “usually” to you before. Your one example pales in comparison to the fact that live-action fantasy/sci-fi/genre films don’t tend to get awards for directors or lead actors.

makes me wonder why we need this live action adaptation.

Anime traditionally means Japanese cartoons, even though in Japanese language all cartoons are called anime (it’s just short for “animation”) regardless of origin.

There are arguably moments when Barbie doesn’t really know itself what it’s about.

Who are you talking to? Everyone here seems pretty reasonable about this.

Jeez, it’s a movie about Barbie.

The Avatar finally met their match:

Thanks. It still amazes me that the best Canticle for Leibowitz inspired thing I’ve seen is still the season 4 finale of Babylon 5.

I’d say I want two so we can race ‘em, but we’d just end up running on the spot.

That “maybe” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there mate.


If this is true then your comment should be at the top.

Adapt Canticle for Leibowitz you cowards.

Well, life has been good to him.

What Gen Xers are you talking about?

Just your weekly reminder that current so-called AI isn’t really intelligence.