Franky drinks Darjeeling tea (made sense with the avatar gif)

Then write “number one this Christmas”.

I’m wondering why when it seems it wasn’t Bialik’s choice, that Jennings would say “I can’t speak to her decision-making process or her opinions about it.”

Huh? There’s nothing more to say here mate, but ok then..

Foundling is a word, and it’s only been the first episode.

You already gave your opinion. I don’t need to watch a Youtube video of someone elses.

Davies is a better writer than Chibnall.

There were problems enough with Moffat’s writing at times, you don’t need to make problems up.

I agree.

MoS had that spectacular opening on Krypton, with the visuals and the music elevating it to my favorite part of the movie.

Does that really matter? Many anime are only made if the manga is popular enough to guarantee an audience. And likewise, many live-action adaptations are of the anime if the anime was popular enough to guarantee an audience.

Oooh, American are we? Can’t even concede there’s one thing in the world others are better at? Elitist twat, indeed. 

Forbidden? No. Just which website would such news best fit?

This isn’t an ad. It’s a three and a half minute piece of cinema.

Hot take: Oreos are just smaller, grainier Arnott’s Delta Creams, and Americans should stick to making cookies. Leave the biscuit making to the rest of us.

Agreed. Though it’s evident that the internet can amplify the opinion of a few.

I just hope people don’t use this ad for inspiration instead.

Then you get Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor.

“It’s impossible not to be compared to Star Wars. They’re very different worlds. We’re trying to do very different things,” Johnstad tells the outlet.

I gotta admit, it was RTD’s mention of the Timeless Child stuff in the 60th anniversary specials that actually made me change my mind about it about.

I’ll take Davies worship over the opposite, which seems to be Youtubers that decry all three 60th anniversary specials as focusing on a LGBT/political/woke agenda instead of just what they consider to be “good sci-fi”.