
How hard would this have been?

Do you have anything published/available on this magical stainless steel?

Rear drive, stick, turbo. Each of these is worth $1,000 of throw-away money. This is the triple crown, hence, NP.

This much work, but not to a 4x4 indicates bad judgment. Knowing that the customizer (or the person who paid a shop to do the work) lacked judgment, how do you evaluate the risk of this truck having unseen corners cut? Very high.

Cool concept, looks nice, so CP.

Where’s Panda Steaks today? “Van” and “Camper” are pretty fertile pun words. Especially for bad ones, the really low hanging fruit. Happily Ever Camper. A woman needs a van like a fist needs a bicycle. No van is an island.

There is a lot to work with here.

At this price, I can’t even CRV Weinstein going after it.

Ooo, I hated that too.

Close but no CR.

This car has all the hallmarks of “someone else’s project”. It has a massively heavy engine for which the car was not designed as a selling point. Which will screw up the handling for which the S2000 is known.

Then you get to the smog-dubiousness, the somewhat manky interior, the scrape on the outside, the top, and the

I had the opposite experience; I thought they were kind of plain looking in photos, but in person I found the curves and the low-low roof rather more captivating.  

“deserved a better fate than a bad Mad Max trike”.

I don’t know about that; I know humans who deserve less. 

Quart of oil every 800 miles miles=cheapest car payment, ever.

I took at diesel Jetta of the same vintage to over 260k and only got rid of it for dieselgate purposes. I don’t name cars, but my family members took to calling it “Methuselah”.

This is a solid buy.

I join my voice with that of the Jalopnik commentariat. Broken A/C = piece of garbage, full stop.

If you didn’t fix the A/C in Idaho—and I’ve spend many a day in Idaho in the summer—you’re broke. And I’ve been broke a lot and I know how I take care of my own car when I’m broke.

Namely, I keep it full of oil, but I

You’re all simply wrong about this.

One hour of unbolting stupid plastic bits, $50 worth of black plastidip and painter’s tape, less than 4k in US dollars and you’re in business. An S-10 with less than 100k real miles and a 350 is just worth the fun it would be, if you’re in the market for donuts and an occasional

How can they charge a grand for leatherETTE? Come ON!

AWESOME.  You have my respect, sir.  Well done.

Please tell me the SRT-swapped LeBaron is a convertible. With the wood paneling.

Even if not, that’s an amazing idea.

RE: CL vs. real life, so true. I went and looked at an old 300 SDL this weekend because it looked passable in the online ad. It was an automotive Hindenburg. . I mean, it hadn’t been started in months, it had clearly not been waxed since George W. and the crayon-y smell was intense. The spider webs, the dust, the

I voted CP. But the commentariat has convinced me that I was wrong. Thank you for making me incrementally wiser today.