

Of course there are worse things. Like when people wear a basketball jersey to a football, hockey, or baseball game, because they figure, "Sports, amirite?"

If being bald and unable to put on muscle meant you had cancer, the Hasselbeck brothers would've died 15 years ago.

You're confusing Twins with Junior.

Not to understate the general stupidity of the article, but I'm intrigued by this in particular:

You don't understand. It's a lifesaver. Having sweaty hair is literally life-threatening.

If I had a hair style that required that much upkeep I would end up shaving it off and going the dolly parton route.

"Touch-ups have been a lifesaver for me,"

They tend to argue that their hair doesn't smell. I tend to argue that they are wrong.

I can't fathom this level of vanity.

Dude, dude, listening to the show now: Oprah said she felt something similar to Madonna's experience when Maya Angelou died, and when her dog died. Deep sighhhhhh. Siiiiighhh plus the desire to fucking KILL SOMEONE.

I'm sure this lady is terrific and I admire her strength and courage.

I cringed and nodded and laughed, all at the same time. That's how you wring black humor from a truly horrible story!

Mysterious are the ways of that asshole I'm supposedly a part of.

Crazy Person: "Try this gluten-free cookie! It's really good, you can't even tell!"

They like their team so much that they've funded this foundation with enough money to make this purchase and pay those property taxes, on the notion that it will help keep the existing coach happy, without any hope for it yielding any return on investment and without it going to provide any real charitable value such

Lets all focus on something important we should all know: Fat Girl isn't a brand...yet!

Indeed, being bought out of bankruptcy to satisfy creditors is often the result of not being willing to sell out.

It's been years since I used and of their products, but I loved the brown sugar scrub. I just hate going to home parties. You always feel obliged to buy even if you don't want anything.