istari rises

For anyone who thinks straws are now freely available upon request should read this article, particularly this part:

Read my response for why. You’re a complete idiot.

If they’re so ill equipped to begin with

Sigh. You couldn’t even get through the whole two-sentence quote?

From the article I linked:

And what happens when the business they ask doesn’t have them, because they didn’t know “the law provides for” that?

United is Florida.

For all the ire they’ve drawn, straws only account for 0.03% of plastic waste in the ocean.

It’s a semantic argument over a chocolate that’s barely chocolate in the first place.

I’d have knocked this review’s grade down at least another step or two just for the glaring plothole in Steve/Robin/Erica/Dustin’s escape from the elevator. They rush out the elevator doors outside, to be immediately confronted by soldiers, only to rush back inside and then find themselves running through back corridor

Guys, the Afghanistananisimation.

Yeah to me it really looks like an homage at most. It’s a cool little wink, but that’s all it is.

It would have been nice if the ump had stuck to the written rules, stating that Pillar’s lack of attempt to get out of the way (I’d say sticking your foot into the ball isn’t an attempt to get out of the way) means the pitch should have been ruled dead and a ball.

Already holding liberal and open-minded beliefs, videogames haven’t taught me much...except that I can’t stomach being an asshole to people who don’t deserve it.

Sanders could end up being the consistent consensus choice for people who want change... and in the era of Trump that could be a huge win.

and I don’t even care

This is what I get for commenting on the fly.

Goodwin’s Law, and I don’t even care: