Yeah... fuck off.
Yeah... fuck off.
We agree on an awful lot.
U.S. Press freedom’s best hope is that Assange will be extradited to Sweden before the U.S.
Not really interesting at all.
Not really interesting at all.
Nah I’m drawing the line against pizza-related items. A “properly” made pizza and related items involves raw dough. A “properly” made sandwich never involves raw dough. Even making a sandwich from complete scratch involves baking bread entirely separately first, then assembling the sandwich.
Flickinger—who was famously fired from KOKI in Tulsa in 2006 for interrupting an NFL game to warn viewers of dangerous wildfires—is sick of your shit, sports fans.
I’d be fine with that. Doesn’t really change my definition!
Bread is not leavened by definition. A tortilla is an unleavened flatbread. There are a whole host of other unleavened breads.
Fyi your pronunciation is wrong. There is no “i” sound at the beginning; the word begins with the the closed “nnn” sound (“n”s repeated here to emphasize), before going right into the “doo”.
Look, I may have came here to make the exact same joke (ok, maybe mine would have just referenced Bimmers)
Why not just use a nylon spoon? If what you’re set to taste is over 400°, you have no business putting it near your mouth anyway.
Don’t bring the idea of “reading the article” around here though. That gets in the way of those stars.
Uhh no.
Huh, I’m wondering if that’s the same asshole who duplicated your account and then spoiled Endgame as a comment to me back the day it came out?
Uber is not a capitalist market. Regulated or otherwise. Nor does it exist in an unregulated capitalist market.
We’ve seen the seam argument before, but I can’t remember who it was that gave it.