istari rises

There’s nothing here until Republicans get it through the Senate and Trump puts his batshit insane signature on the paper.

The movie has been out for 4 days, it’s a 3 hour long movie. There was a rush on tickets, not everyone gets to buy the tickets that work the best for them.

I commented that I had lost all my respect because of your Coors Light take.

I don’t know what you’re trying to say here, but no, Arby’s does not have much of an overlap with Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s. “Same difference” would honestly only apply to Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, since they’re owned by the same parent company and have nearly identical menus.

The impossible meatball sandwich in a nearby restaurant costs $15.00.

I’d more than happily swap out my burger patties for Impossible patties if they tasted just as good.

“Just eat our dogshit long enough so you forget what non-dogshit food tastes like! Then you’ll have to love it, or you’ll go crazy!”

Counterpoint: I’ve had god-awful pizza where the crust was perfectly fine.

Shamefully, mine was almost certainly Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the SNES. I say this is shameful because of how that game altered things based on the chosen difficulty. I remember playing it on easy, which I now know means  I never played several of its levels, even though I remember making it to the ending screen.

I like that he was able to stand up to TO’s nonsense about the connecting piece.

This isn’t really doing a 3D game, it’s just several 2D panes stacked on top of one another, given a certain amount of ‘space’ between the stacked panes, and changes the rate of horizontal or vertical scrolling for each pane.

I think I’ve lost all my respect for Kate.

I really sounds like they took the same 3D-ification mechanism they applied to Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask 3DS versions and put it into this. Which of course is terrible, because a face-mounted VR setup is an entirely different playing experience from a console-mounted, eye tracking 3D setup.

I’m not sure it even works as a pairing, but one place I frequent offers applesauce as a side substitution for their combos and I’ve been doing that because - diet-wise - there’s less awfulness in the applesauce than in a giant pile of fries.

I’m embarrassed to say, I’ve done this.

I take the little plastic cups and fill them with butter (and add salt) to drizzle on

Now playing

Also, Spider-Man: Homecoming is left out, either because it’s still technically a Sony movie or because it only had the gag stinger (with Captain America popping up like in the videos at school.

Two things. First:

Sometimes things are what they are, everything can’t be a secret 12th dimensional chess move.