
I especially love that McIlroy is fully on board with the showboating and shit-talking (watch that one described as him “los[ing] his mind,” he screams “FUCKING come on! I can’t hear you!”), despite the European spectators being so pissed about it.

I’ll agree at least on the Russell Wilson front, since I’m a Seahawks fan.

No, I’m a social scientist who does research with people in eastern Africa, where most of the countries in that region have Swahili as one of their national or official languages.

For one, I wouldn’t tilt my head down to place my helmet into the receiver’s ear.

Burke isn’t going to stop using that phrase, but I agree with you 100%.

Starred for your second sentence.

Faculty are liberal. Administrators are not.

Are you referring to the journalist who posted the image of the statement? I mean, sure, kudos to him for responding nicely to a troll.

When will we finally get an administrative response that not only acknowledges the rights of students to protest the national anthem, but specifically supports their protest and their intended message?

UT’s snapper should be given some bench time after that awful performance...

I disagree, because Zimmerman planned that shit while tailing Martin. And then we got the bullshit trial, then the bullshit acquittal, then years of constant racist shit from Zimmerman, including an odd relationship with neo-Nazis/white Nationalists.

What’s the favorite sport’s story each of you has covered?

In the race to the bottom, I legitimately think Zimmerman is beating Simpson.

Best Fans In Baseball my ass!

+1 Devil

That Jahvid Best replay is incredibly hard to watch. :shudder:

Sorry, that’s embarrassing!

No, I’m looking for a two-fer.

That’s why I’m always yelling “Four!” at the course. I wanna see some shit go down.

As an aside, I just noticed your username...