
The South Park one locks you in good and tight. So, probably safer?

The driver is attempting to use the fog lights as a separate source of information for determining when his high and low beams are on.

Starring because this is true, and it probably means you read at least that much of the transcript (I hope).


I’m just curious, is there a reason either you or Dvorsky didn’t just cross-post, rather than writing two separate articles and posting them almost simultaneously?

I copped that from someone on twitter I think, forget who.

Seahawks fans approve of this idea.

There’s always the next game!

Doesn’t that usually lead to a sargasm?

Well, CenturyLink’s statement now brings a little context to why the Seahawks decided to do... whatever the hell it is you call what they did.

I don’t think you’re as clever as you think you are...

Do you... do you know what it means to call something a wall of text?


So, you’re saying I was being too generous in my comment to you, and you think three sentences is large?

Um, the last play deserves all the attention because the last play occurred outside the playclock time, was started because of a referee error, resulted in the reversal of the game outcome, and eliminating it does not have a chain-reaction effect with any plays that happened after it because there were no plays that

That’s a large wall of text for someone who has disregarded the key features of this case: the play to be disregarded happened at the end of the game, after time had run out, with no other plays that followed it, and the proposed alteration is to disregard it, not to redo it. (note how this list is of things that all

This isn’t any of those examples though. This was literally a tacked-on play at the end of regulation. Declaring that single un-timed play from the end of the game null and void does nothing to alter any other aspect of the game as it was played prior to that.

Nice to see my comment and the resulting conversation get full article treatment by a staff member, Kara.

Seeing the stark divide between purses for individual and team competitions, the benefits of collective bargaining immediately come to mind.