Holy shit! That was peak-Griffey-esque!
Massive amounts of money are required for all the other sports at the Olympics as well, but those other sports are better funded through external means than horseback sports.
Just wanted to say, excellent piece!
First, it’s important to understand they didn’t become who they are the moment they told you their chosen name. And they didn’t become this person because they transitioned, instead, they transitioned because they already were this person. When you’re talking about their past, even though you may not have known them…
I wasn’t a fan when Majora’s Mask came out.
You’re such a massive fucking idiot. Now you’ve turned to coded homophobic remarks. I’d say you probably hit your wife too, but let’s be honest, there’s no way a woman would let your racist, sexist, homophobic idiocy anywhere near them. For good reason.
Jesus Christ, you have problems. You should really seek some help.
SJW who is gender fluid and could be big or small
I don’t have to provide an example of that that, because that isn’t what happened here. This was a fleeing the hold penalty. If you want an example of a fleeing the hold penalty in the last few seconds of the match, I’ll point you to what I’ve already pointed you to, which is this match and the official UWW rule book,…
Here, I got you something:
Then maybe the Mongolian wrestler shouldn’t have committed the penalty after having been previously warned?
But hey, I know nothing about the sport I “claim” to be a part of.
Yes he did. You’re just as big of an idiot as FunkyButtLoving.
Because you don’t know the rules and therefore don’t “agree” with me, I’m trolling?
I’ll address both your comments simultaneously.
What you’re missing is that the Deadspin commentariat don’t know jack shit about freestyle.
He’s merely pointing out what many of us reading along have already concluded: you don’t know the sport you claim to have been a part of.
It’d be more like picking up a soccer ball/football and throwing it as far away from everyone as you can, claiming you’re doing it in celebration. It may be celebratory, but it still isn’t allowed.
No I don’t. The rule exists specifically for these kinds of reasons.