
I tend not to find stuff like this funny at all (even my deep jadedness doesn’t let me descend into finding this stuff humorous)... except the final line of your 1:34 pm update:

Thank you for this, Burke! This crossed my mind yesterday at the Gold medal tie (I hadn’t seen the men’s butterfly tie until you posted this) and thought it was really strange they weren’t using a more precise system. I find it pretty amazing that they’ve taken into account the affect tolerances in construction and

I’m curious, how many current and former NFL players have forgotten that the Buccaneers even exist, like I do constantly, shortly after reminders like these?

What’s the big deal? Don’t all Americans look the same to Canadians?

Tommy was the right one. No dong, just an unfortunately positioned tennis ball.

I’m still hoping - but not holding my breath - that Redford will fix the typo.

Even though you called him a dickhead, I’m starring you and bringing you out of the grays. Because that move totally *was* “Ichiro as fuck,” meaning “really fucking awesome!” And he nearly had it too.

Feeding – creatures now have their own diet, based on planet and climate. Feeding them correctly will yield different results per species, such as mining for you, protecting the player, becoming pets, alerting you to rare loot or pooping valuable resources.

The problem is that you think “Ichiro is the hit king” is a joke.

His tears are so delicious! Fuck him and good riddance!

(you can use your old box for that)

(you can use your old box for that)

You aren’t Matt Overton?

You’re welcome for that feeling, by the way.

LaDainian speaks truth to power.

I’m really looking forward to that woman in my gift bag, since I recently wore out my last one.

People should at least take a moment to sit with the fact that the Olympic games ran for over a thousand years before it was cancelled by Emperor Theodosius II or, possibly, his grandfather (Emperor Theodosius I).

You know Alex in Washington State only became a Dolphins fan because of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

Mariners fans are pretty fucking pissed at A-Roid too.

Can confirm: the entire thing is worth reading!

And you sound like you’re back to being the Baseball Optimist, because a single game over .500 isn’t enough to write home about, and King Felix is also only a single game over .500. There just isn’t much with the team to be optimistic about right now.