When so much of a cooking blog’s earning potential and continued existence is dependent upon its voice, is a little extra scrolling really that much to ask of readers?
When so much of a cooking blog’s earning potential and continued existence is dependent upon its voice, is a little extra scrolling really that much to ask of readers?
You do understand the Constitution, right?
Historically, yes.
I’m not taking that bait.
That’s a legit question, and I appreciate it. I have a particular problem with “warrior” training. Dude; you wanna be a Marine in combat? Join the fucking Marines. But if you can’t hack it in the Corps, don’t look for combat on fucking 14th Street, for fuck’s sake.
Totally with you there! I’m a white, cis-gendered male with relative means. The very least I can do is try to financially support those whose systematic oppression I have so benefitted from.
I’m no fan of Rubio, but in a debate? He would’ve wolfed down her lunch, then her dinner, then wiped the remains with her emaciated corpse.
*After I took that course, it was a different story. I won’t go into detail, but there were handcuffs involved in subsequent investigations.
So this.
“Who do we not want to help us?”
This is why I consider the third film the best in the series.
I LOVE that idea!
You’d be surprised.
A note of caution here: We just bought (in January) an Audi SQ5 used from a Cadillac dealer (I wanted that specific model, and it was the only one available in my area). They didn’t even inspect it. When I took it to the Audi dealership (less than two weeks from purchase) to have multiple keys coded/ordered, the…
This asshole needs go to prison for a long, long, looooooongggg time.
One more, just for the GOP who want to take over the world for God:
100% agree. I love quoting Lewis to fundamentalist idiots who have little-to-no understanding of the Gospels. (Having read every word Lewis wrote, plus a brief time where I explored getting a Masters of Applied Theology, I am the absolute _worst_ form of atheist.)
It’s his theology that Evangelical Christianity, particularly apologetics, stems from.