Isis Uptown

So, it's just Larry, without either brother Darryl?

Mmm, handsome men.


Good for her for not taking this shit.

I like Dennis Haysbert, but he's so rarely in a movie I want to see.

Make a women's v-neck, too, and send it to me.

And if you ask again whether there is any justice in the world, you'll have to be satisfied with the reply: Not for the time being; at any rate, not up to this Friday. - Alfred Döblin (10 August 1878 – 26 June 1957)

If the HPV vaccine had been a thing when my son was a lad, he'd have gotten it.

The owls are not what they seem.

Ugh, Smart Sister (I am not being ironic, either) grumbled about the doctor wanting to give her daughter the HPV vaccine. My thought was, you wouldn't decline any other vaccine for either of your kids.

Will Jamie Foxx play the handyman?

“Oh, those books about the hairy-footed children who cannot keep track of their jewelry.”

How We Pissed Off the Audience

Rolling doughnuts, though. . .


Mr. T says suffer.

I say what's cooler than being cool?
Ice cold!

It's part of a Vonnegut quote, and a very satisfying thing to wish for people to do.

When my father died, I sent an email to an attorney there, who happens to be married to the one who didn't want me fired but didn't stop it from happening. That attorney then emailed me with a nice condolence message (I didn't reply, though). The one who did want me fired, well, she can take a flying fuck at a

Why did T cross the vast void?
To get to the other side.