Isis Uptown

It was the third of June
Another sleepy, dusty Delta day
I was out choppin' cotton
And my brother was balin' hay
At dinner time we stopped
Walked back to the house to eat
Mama hollered out the back door
"Y'all remember to wipe your feet"
Then she said, "I got some news
This mornin' from Choctaw Ridge"
"Today Billy Joe Mac

Using this "Reply to my own post" spot to say that, in light of my father's death, I can handle people saying "I'm praying for your family", because I can just say "Thank you". Not my belief system, but I understand the good intention. However, on the phone with my aunt (my mother's sister), who helped me so much when

Our heads are round so thought can change direction. - Allen Ginsberg (June 3, 1926 – April 5, 1997)

June 1 is the beginning of Hurricane Season, so our local channel showed a program called "Weathering the Storm", and I don't know when it showed "Jeopardy!" As always, thank you @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus

A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible. – Thomas Hardy (2 June 1840 – 11 January 1928)

Yes, he made it 16 days past his birthday. Osiris and I were going to visit him this weekend, and last weekend, I bought a book to give him. When I commented, "It's a gift" the nice gent at Octavia Books offered to wrap it, and I took him up on it.

It wasn't unexpected, but, yeah, I'll be OK.

My sister Renée was killed in 1991 (a homicide), so my parents both outlived her, plus one of my stepsisters died of drug-related causes in 2004. My stepmother died 2008, and Pop was with a lovely widowed lady he'd dated when they were teenagers from 2009 until he died yesterday.

In the spring of 1971, when I was in second grade, I broke my arm in a see-saw accident. School called the house, but Mom wasn't home, so they called Pop at work, which was Burger Chef. So, Pop, in Burger Chef manager attire, collected me from school and got me to the ER. I remember him calling Mom from the ER, saying

Weekend posts, and "Reasonable Discussions" posts are my usual venues for such posts.

“Never forget, Caelius, that a great man makes his luck. Luck is there for everyone to seize. Most of us miss our chances; we're blind to our luck. He never misses a chance because he's never blind to the opportunity of the moment.” - Colleen McCullough (1 June 1937 – 29 January 2015) , "Caesar"

As I was leaving work, Pop's girlfriend called to tell me Pop died. (Some of my coworkers were nearby, so I had instant sympathy from young women.)

Osiris and I were planning to visit my Pop this weekend. Smart Sister, who was also going to visit, got a call from Pop's girlfriend. Pop is unconscious, and it's anytime now.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. - Walt Whitman (May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892)

I was an adult when the show was first on, watching it with my kid, so different from being a kid watching it.

Wakko never wears trousers, and his tongue is always out. Boyfriend material!

Here’s What Critics Have to Say About Wonder Woman

The French have no such expression as 'killing time.' In their more philosophical vocabulary the term is 'passing time,' which means savoring all moments of it each to his individual enjoyment. While we battle with time, they relax with tempo. - Cornelia Otis Skinner (May 30, 1899 – July 9, 1979)

I know, but it suits