Isis Uptown

Oh, Trump cannot handle Grover! Even Elmo might be too much! He'd like, though, for the special guest to be HIM!

"My First Big Boy Trip" An Easy Reader by Donald J. Trump

All I want to do when I wake up in the morning is drink some juice
Juicero, Juicero
Never thought that a juice like this could ever work for me, Juicero
All I want to do in the middle of the evening is drink more juice
Juicero, Juicero
I didn't know it would cost much more than I would ever spend
Not quite the chump that

I never believed in God, but I believed in the sacredness of life. - Dr. Tina Strobos (19 May 1920 – 27 February 2012)

The Afterlife:

Osiris called it "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble" when we saw the preview. He and I were both born in 1963; we were that movie's target audience.

I made this joke under my nephew's FB post about these fellows both dying. He asked if there is a sandwich shop in the mall adjacent to Heaven and Hell. I replied "Yes. Subway."

Today, in The Afterlife:

The Afterlife:

What the fuck?!

Bertrand Russell (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) walks into a pub. The barman says "You can drink 'ere, Lord Russell, but don't get any ideas!"

Man, in so far as he is not subject to natural forces, is free to work out his own destiny. The responsibility is his, and so is the opportunity. - Bertrand Russell (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970)

The boulder of fun, y'all.

I don't believe in an afterlife, but my Pop does. So, thanks.

Thank you, but we won't pull through, he's just aiming toward a graceful exit.

Not good, getting hospice care. He made it to his 80th birthday, though, Monday.

Killsqu8d, My house is up - Uptown!

Blasphemy, blass for you, blass for everybody in the room. - Eddie Izzard (b. 7 February 1962)

One thing looks like another thing!

Both dogs went to the vet last week, and Old Buddy (he's actually named Jackson, and the Grrrl is named Barracks; it's a New Orleans thing) is in very good health. We do have to keep park walks short now, so he can complete them.