Isis Uptown

To have lived at all is a measure of immortality; for a baby to be born, to become a man, a woman, to beget others like himself, is an act of faith in itself, even an act of defiance. It is as though every human being born into this world burns, for a brief moment, like a star, and because of it a pinpoint of light

Mr. Rogers was a genuinely fine human being.

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”
― Fred Rogers

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.”
― Fred Rogers

“Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” ― Fred Rogers

“When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and

The theme of the Story Slam was "Love Hurts" - I shared the painful story of my sister Renée's death. The story begins, and is called "May 12, 1991 was Mother's Day". You may listen to it at this link:…

People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think. - George Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008)

I get it.

I attended a co-ed baby shower before my (now 12-year-old) nephew was born, so, yes, it's a thing. Everyone except the expectant mother can drink, and people might give gifts like a black backpack diaper bag for the father to carry.

I'ma go be mean to someone, in hopes that I'll get a cake!

I loved Ruby's orange suit and necklace in the scene where she agreed with Johann. Jenifer Lewis is beautiful, and so good in this role!

Johann and Charlie both understood soul math, and Johann has the soul of Henry Fonda (May 16, 1905 – August 12, 1982), which is why he likes cardigans.

There is no reason why the aeroplane should not open up a fruitful occupation for women. - Harriet Quimby (May 11, 1875 – July 1, 1912)

Jimmy has juice!

My Pop is getting hospice care now and told his girlfriend he wants to make it to his 80th birthday (May 15).

Thank you.

I am physically ill today, and an update on my father's condition has me emotionally fraught.

Aw, man

Nothing that ever happens in life can take away the fact that I am me. So I have to go on being me. - Monica Dickens (10 May 1915 – 25 December 1992)