Isis Uptown

Do not think your single vote does not matter much. The rain that refreshes the parched ground is made up of single drops. - Kate Sheppard (10 March 1847 – 13 July 1934)

Continued good luck to you.

It wasn't so much a bedroom thing, though, except that where they were when he asked.

I thought, since Rainer being on his side was part of it, Rainer was gonna ask Hayley to "cuddle", i.e., spoon. It didn't seem like something Dylan would do. But Andy would have.

If I'm interested in what I'm doing, other people will be interested in it. - John Cale (b. 9 March 1942)

My husband likes all kinds of music and knows a lot about bands - who is in them, their sound equipment, etc. (he's been a sound guy). So, Monday's conversation got strange. . .

Yes. I was born in late October 1963. My son was born in late July 1984, so I'll still be 53 when he turns 33.

<53-year-old rueful laughter>

Ah. Are you old?

Home! That was what they meant, those caressing appeals, Those soft touches wafted through the air, those invisible little hands pulling and tugging, all one way. - Kenneth Grahame (8 March 1859 – 6 July 1932) , "The Wind in the Willows"

So, "Choirgirls".

I thought this was going to be about sensory-friendly films for people on the Autism Spectrum. I am not sure that Clever Niece still attends those now that she's a teenager, but my sister found it a good option.

WHEN I WROTE the following pages, or rather the bulk of them, I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and earned my living by the labor of my hands only. I lived there two years and two months. At present I am a

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours.

Truckstop Honeymoon's tribute to Waffle House:

It's so unfair that we should die, just because we are born. - Anna Magnani (7 March 1908 – 26 September 1973)

You can have the Bible on your phone, via a Kindle App, for instance.

The Gorillaz have their own festival.

Some like to understand what they believe in. Others like to believe in what they understand. - Stanislaw J. Lec (6 March 1909 – 7 May 1966)

Life is simply time given to man to learn how to live. Mistakes are always part of learning. The real dignity of life consists in cultivating a fine attitude towards our own mistakes and those of others. It is the fine tolerance of a fine soul. – William George Jordan (March 6, 1864– April 20, 1928), “The Crown of