Isis Uptown

Three of my better-know friends have birthdays today:

I knew "Ethelred the Unready" from an Eddie Izzard bit.

That was one of the virtues of being a pessimist: nothing was ever as bad as you thought it would be. - James Jones (November 6, 1921 - May 9, 1977), "From Here to Eternity"

I have to remind myself it's just a TV show!

We don't wear sequins because we think we're great. We wear them because we think sequins are great. - Gram Parsons​ (November 5, 1946 – September 19, 1973)


I was on the elevator this morning with a family going to the Immigration office (one floor below mine) and some white guys going to a higher floor. The white guys were talking about the election, very much overstating HRC's criminality, while acknowledging that they don't like the GOP candidate either, though they

Yikes. I hope it goes well. My neighborhood is pretty liberal, but in any case, I am white and middle-aged, and the sort of person strangers of all ethnicities will sit next to on the bus.

I voted early, even though my polling place is a short walk from my house. If I am sick on Election Day, or an emergency happens, or my life turns into a sitcom and my Republican sister schemes to keep me from the polls, I've already voted.

I sang "Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius" when I hear the clue.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers​ (November 4, 1879 – August 15, 1935)

"Jeopardy!" wasn't on in our market last night, but last night's historic sportsball game was an acceptable preemption.

Wow, A.V. Club, I can hear y'all celebrating all the way from here!

Most people worry about their own bellies, and other people’s souls, when we all ought to worry about our own souls and other people’s bellies. – Yisroel Salanter (November 3, 1810 – February 2, 1883)

I kept forgetting the name of this show, so I'd call it things like "The Hot Guy and the End of the World." Osiris noted that the woman is hot, too, so, though I now remember the name, I called "We're Really Hot, and The World is Ending."

Happy Birthday, k.d. lang (b. November 2, 1961)

I missed Mass due to atheism, but that's nothing new. (I would go to Mass with my mother if we were in the same city, and she asked me to.)

Yes indeed. It was a loss. (The Uptown where I live and reign is New Orleans).