Point well taken, but just because we are all pro-fem, doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on each other that may be critical, right? Pro-fem doesn't take away our personal opinions or shelter us from others'.
Point well taken, but just because we are all pro-fem, doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on each other that may be critical, right? Pro-fem doesn't take away our personal opinions or shelter us from others'.
I've NEVER seen her hair look that fake. Eva, eva, eva. You can always see her part at her front hairline. Is this on a movie set or something? #fishy
Is it me, or is she actually modeling the ring, the wig AND her purse?
OMG yes! They are why I even started with Jez and became a die-hard reader...Hey, Jessica and Dodai, where'd they go, huh huh?
I was thinking the same thing. They look a lot like the shoes J. Hud had on this past week with a white, tight dress. They remind me of the clunky sandals of the 90's. I, for one, am not going back. Fuhgetaboutit.
I am in 100% agreement. And in case you need to know, to avoid future fisticuffs, Jon is my 'white-man-celebrity-boyfriend-in-my-head.' I'm not usually into white men, but he can get it.
I think shoes symbolize 'something' for some women that they need to let go of. The fantasy. That they are Carrie. That their shoe means they are middle- or upper-class instead of working class. I think it's the last bastion of the feminine, class-war...I'm exaggerating, but you get my point, right?
See? I think you are onto the core of some folk's issues with being uber-brand loyal. It's more convenient to just stick with what you know you like than to have to deal with the inconveneince and maybe even disappointment of shopping around for something new. My friend who is sickningly loyal to Starbucks openly…
Agreed, Rooo...I have this nonsensical love/hate thing with Kim. I like her fashion sense, think she's gawgeeeeeous and find myself entertained by the type of family she has because they are so playful and openly affectionate. And, as a nonprofit and human services exec, I barely break even on my monthly…
Truly a vocal talent. I envision her on broadway. As a singer who prefers jazz, I struggle to understand how REAL musicians end up in the pop world. With her voice, she can sing anything really—am I right? I ain't mad at her though...except for some of the raunchiness, maybe. She's so Madonna-meets-Elton John. …
100% agreed on each point. She is the real deal and I am GENUINELY entertained and uplifted by her craft. You can't deny talent and excellence and I won't deny her just because she's in entertainment and not rocket-science or business. And, er ah, we DO run shizz...IJS
Took the words out of my brain...
Whoooaah! Gaga's got some pipes, yo.
Yeah, its funny, but in a show-halting-type slow way. Messes up the momentum...
I LOVE this recurring competition between mascots!!!
I've been crushing on Don since he was an anchor in Philly...Secretly hoping one day he'd be mine. File this one under: Black Woman Loses Again to Well-Known Statistic?
Bwhaaahaaaa! @ 'waaambulance'...stealing.
My father packed 'cold lunch' for me every day of my school career...including high school. I didn't know that qualified as a punishment. For plenty of kids, a sandwich and veggies would be absolutely wonderful, given the alternative of having nothing.
I've read research on this topic before. But it was only just now that it has come to my attention that being a Black Woman means I'm intrinsically more 'masculine' to men of other races. Great, great. A Sistah can't get a break.
OMG yes. F*ckin' sucks.