Isilzha. I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star.

And you’re leaving out quality vs. quantity tradeoffs. Slow maturity rate for human children. Need to provision said children so they actually live to reproduce (that’s nearly a 2 decade commitment). It’s not all about spreading your seed.

Like N.O.W.!?

Well, if I’m angry it must be your fault! If you keep making me angry I’m not responsible for the consequences, you are!

It’s funny how any appearance that women are treating men like men often treat women (how men talk about women’s bodies, scrutinize their appearance, rate them, etc) and the menz get all up in arms.

And you live your life doing what’s best for the planet? Why are you on a computer using electricity?

I use to find my exhusband very attractive. But I’ve see the putrid ugliness underneath. Looks are mostly superficial. Being compatible, actually being friends, having someone who’s genuinely supportive is worth a million times the outer package.

You don’t think a severe physical illness can also come with depression and anxiety?

It’s not a competition. Both of the people in your examples can have depression over what life has thrown at them. People can be also depressed while things are seemingly OK with their live (no major traumas, no terminal illness, severe sexual disfunction; things are fairly stable). Again, not a competition.

I want to tell that person to never get/be married at all if that’s how they feel. Or, you know, take vows where they promise to only be around when things are easy for them. Get a serious illness? See ya!

I like the way you think, lol. I use to keep a pricebook for regular household purchases. It’s interesting how often a sale really isn’t a sale.

I like the way you think, lol. I use to keep a pricebook for regular household purchases. It’s interesting how often

Oh, it’s not abuse, he was just making me a better person?

No, you’re one who expect women to agonize about terminating a pregnancy. So, it’s OK, but only if you feel bad enough about it, agonize over it and only if it’s a “last resort”. For many women, no, it’s not a hard decision. For you, it’s a last resort because after taking a look at her life a woman realizes she’s not

Why? If I got pregnant I’d have an abortion and wouldn’t spend hours agonizing about the decision. When I was told I needed surgery I didn’t spend hours weighing the decision. The procedure was necessary; the decision to do it wasn’t hard. You can even say that it was made “lightly” in that I’d have cancer if I didn’t

It’s obvious that guy is an MRA troll. It’s also obvious that he doesn’t care at all about the kids and them ending up in a juvenile detention center. They deserve it, after all, for not giving a man the respect he’s owed.

And how many well-liked, pillars of the community have been horrible abusive monsters behind closed doors? Most of them have the sense to not beat their partner or kids where other people can witness it.

Years ago there was a case in my state where the mother was ordered to take her kids to Mexico to visit their father. The mother was ordered to take her kids OUT of US jurisdiction. Something is very wrong with our system.

You’re completely discounting parasitic infection.

I got married the day before.

Serving the menu from India in the US? Offering some actual vegetarian options? BK has the Morning Star veggie burger on its menu. I sometimes get that when I need a quick meal. They serve it like an actual burger which is cool because most places offering veggie burgers try to make it uber “healthy” with weird

So, it’s OK for the words to go out over the air, but the person captioning those words would be fired for providing honest and accurate captioning service to deaf/hard-hearing people?