And if she gets up to go to the bathroom that's just across the hall in a one bedroom apartment, please don't pause the movie. Let it play, turn up the volume and offer to replay what she missed once she returns.
And if she gets up to go to the bathroom that's just across the hall in a one bedroom apartment, please don't pause the movie. Let it play, turn up the volume and offer to replay what she missed once she returns.
Even worse when they expect you to figure out what they want and get passive-aggressive when it's not their way.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31)
As an atheist it always amuses me when xians refuse to follow the bible they…
Well, a Saint Andrew's cross could add a nice BDSM feel to the club.
No, that's not harassment.
From what I understand, this is one of the only studies of ebola in dogs that has been done.
Well, yay for you?
Yeah, and we could have diverted that last 10+ years of war in Iraq/Afghanistan to funding universal healthcare instead, but we didn't. Crowdfunding is useful but it's not, and shouldn't be, a replacement for public policy.
Sure, I have compassion. I actually argue on a different thread that one reason to keep the dog alive is in the interest of public compliance with health directives. We've already seen how people ignore orders during a natural disaster if they have to leave their pets behind. There, that's a public interest…
Again, that's not how it would work. You don't even sound like you've gone to college for anything science-y much less are pursing any grad work as a Public Health Scholar.
Guess we shouldn't eat infected people either. Oh, wait, that's not the ONLY way to be infected with Ebola. In fact, when it comes to bush meat, the danger is more to the people who handle and sell it over those who eat it. So there's that.
And who's paying for all of that for a dog?
That requires different facilities than the local vet's office. Plus, that's not how a study like that is done.
Well, the last little bit about dogs being exposed, but asymptomatic and perhaps able to infect other mammals.
"During the 2001-2002 outbreak in Gabon, we observed that several dogs were highly exposed to Ebola virus by eating infected dead animals. To examine whether these animals became infected with Ebola virus, we sampled 439 dogs and screened them by Ebola virus-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) G assay, antigen detection,…
That's actually pretty cheap vacation time.
There's one study that shows dogs may be asymptomatic but able to carry/pass along Ebola. I understand that the health officials were trying to act on an abundance of caution, but it seems they failed to take into account that more issues may arise when people fail to act because they fear their beloved pets may be…
There's one study that shows dogs can be asymptomatic but still carry and infect others (any mammal susceptible) with Ebola. It doesn't mean that killing the dog was the right response, but it's not completely unfounded.
Yes, I'm sure your real name is semigeekgirl4.
Although we all know what the subtext of the ad is saying, on the surface he's (claiming) not looking for a sexual partner. Why should a woman be slim to get a job, find a place to live, or walk down the street? Men don't have that same standard. As long as they're not too obese (yes, men do get some body shaming…