
A hooner’s attitude is all you need. I have fond memories from university of taking my girlfriend’s shitbox Chevette out in the fall and looking for little stretches of road covered with wet leaves so I could “drift” it. Ha! see I’m still smiling and laughing about it many years later and that car sucked!

This is from a dystopian future right?

Nailed it.

It might be worth $6,500 if it had $6,700 cash money in the trunk.

All RAV4s are, by definition, crack pipe.

That is EXACTLY how it is for me; highs, lows and a perpetual project list. Two weeks ago I spent 5 hours fixing an oil leak, changing rear shocks and re-positioning the AFM arm. I was stoked because the car ran great, leaked not a drop and had a much better ride... Then my brake pedal went mushy. Sigh.

Dollar bills?

Ok, sharing is good.

You took my advice! (Or, as I re-read, some guy named Bill’s)

Further proof that it’s all about the 80s ATM.

I also want this information.

I have studded Hakkapeliittas on my 86 Carrera and have even tried them on a frozen lake. Go find a frozen lake in Vermont. You will enjoy it.

Proper f’n, pokey-outy exhaust pipes just like dog intended.

Ha, this car was in the December issue of Panorama and this video is EXACTLY what I would have expected from the article and in a good way.

Sometimes one of the things I like best about older cars are exhaust pipes and the Pantera is the best of the bunch. Look at these proud protuberances! Infinitely better than the sad, droopy holes on the back of a new Benzo etc.

Here in Alberta we have no provincial front plate yet many cars have front plate holders mounted to the bumper so rather than a) getting the stupid holes fixed or b) driving around with a blank, dumb-assed plate holder or c) having a cheesy dealer plate some people opt to mount a euro plate for legitimate aesthetic

This exact car was on BAT in Sept and the craigslist ad was for 44K at that time

He has three pedals. That’s a good thing.

Most (read not a purple one) Singer interiors would do.