
We have an AWD Durango R/T for my wife's kid hauling duties and I love it. It is a muscle SUV thus I don't feel too bad when we have to take it vs my old 911 (which is anytime my with my wife 'cause she HATES the 911). I love the look and sound of it and, for a 5500 lb lardass, it handles pretty well.

I was going to say a handful of shrooms but, ok, acid works too.

your description was awesome. Weapon fo' sho.

oh my.

A llllllllooooooonnnnnggggggg time ago when I was vveeerrryyy young on my folks VW bug that famously had zero ability to start without some gravity.

Witness suck at witnessing. A year ago some redneck asshole driving a beater truck thought I cut him off after I merged in in frontof him and so he passed me and then came to a stop on an on ramp and proceeded to get out to confront me. I was in no mood so I decided I'd boot it by him. He was barely out of the tuck

legalize it.

The problem with people, and by people I mean most people, is that they don't want to/ can't be bothered to/ didn't think to think. Most people want to believe instead. This lets rediculous, painful and dangerous things like religion, fox news or, in this case, zero hedge exist.

Basically all zero hedge articles are inflammatory bullshit

I have an '11 R/T and they do sound awesome. It fills the V8 noise need in my car hole. It actually sounds crazier than its stablemate a '86 Carrera.

I drove home from work today following an E90 M3 with an aftermarket exhaust and it sounded nothing like a Prius. In fact every time he downshifted I almost splooged in my suit. And I'm driving an aircooled 911 which also doesn't sound like a Prius. But his downshifts!!!

I can say with absolute certainty that if I had a Porsche with a dead reliable clutch/tranny that could take the repeated abuse I would launch the shit out of it with regularity launch control or not.

Here here! Rally to work, rally home.

No. These people are perpetrating fraud and should be outed and if that means shamed too so be it.

Money. Have lots of money. I fixed by myself: leaky fuel lines, washer pumps and lines, sunroof, window switches, clutch cable etc. so that was cheap. It was the FUBARed clutch and the FUBARed alternator that got me. So, money fixed it :(

Ps. Crappy about the smashup

Here's the drop in kit.

Nope. No additional weight needed. It never under steers actually, loves to rotate though. I've been rally driving to and fro from work since the beginning of November!

has H4 drop-ins in the sugar scoops.