
This is poetic justice and confirmation bias fuel all at once.

This is exactly the problem. If Trump had been elected sooner, it would have been an American whipping Salka’s ass.

No, you don’t understand, I can openly hate black people now because the Southern Conservatives that hated black people back then were DEMOCRATS, so maybe you’re the real racist?

Man, I wish I could live until 2068 when conservatives of that time will be praising Kaepernick for his ‘non-violent protest’ the same way they do MLK now, even though when both men were doing their thing, conservatives totally hated their guts.

You just called yourself an adult and then called someone else a bitch online. Great job today, mothefucker.

He clearly shoved that ump The Right Way™. Had he done it any other way it would be an ejection, suspension, and/or a fine.

I’ll pay to see you say that to anyone with an actual neck tattoo

Conservatives:”Let the market decide”

Hot take: I would hire a conservative writer (if I was in the market for one) who actually said women who have abortions (and the doctors who perform them) should be jailed and/or given the death penalty.

Because that writer is actually being honest about the conservative point of view toward women and their

Conservatives: We demand a free marketplace of ideas where our intellectuals are judged by their words

When someone says “they disagree with what he says” they are saying, “I don’t believe in provable, quantified evidence shown by hundreds of empirical studies.”

Is this an oath you have taken, tough guy? Wouldn’t be that “funny” to you if you had.

Yup, blame Deadspin instead of the myriad troop fellators in the NFL and on the political right that use troops as a shield from criticism. That’s expedient and will keep you from having to think about the totality of the context by which we got here!

I have taken that oath chief

Also the title of my sex tape.

This would have been the best if it was Chris Klewe posting.

The dreaded Black Guy With Personality syndrome. Must be stamped out immediately.

Chris Kluwe. Tanned. Rested. Ready.

1. When it’s hot out and your penis sticks to your balls

1. When it’s hot out and your penis sticks to your balls
