
“but never knew about the guy who made it.”

The pre-internet days were way more exciting. It was a sense of genuine accomplishment when you hunted something down and finally got it. It was like the 70s/80s Holy Grail.

1) Loves me some Heavy Metal Parking Lot.

It’s a lot easier to find the spare change when you don’t have to pay your unionized staff their due.

Thank you for saying this. I have a friend in LAUSD who is striking who is constantly going above and beyond for his students, doing lots of voluntary after-school stuff and on the weekends, and even occasionally attends some students’ family and extracurricular events. I once asked him why he did all the extra work

The worst part is (like in the case of LA), you put one of those business people in charge (naturally they treat employees like serfs).

Not to mention in MODERN US history...

Don’t forget the 20th century too!

That was actually on their business cards.

Can we sue them back as the people for damages for all the grief they’ve caused back in the 19th century?

And everyone will start asking why Securitas is keeping that shitty brand alive.

This is not going to go well for Securitas.  At best, it’s only going to create a Streisand Effect for the game (which sounds improbable, but not impossible).  At worst, the judge will throw the suit out, Securitas will take a hit financially because they picked an incredibly stupid hill to die on, AND there will be a

Like, it’s pretty well known that the Pinkerton’s were corrupt assholes who were basically hired thugs for wealthy businessmen to intimidate workers and prevent from unionizing.

The headline and first paragraph could make it seem that she was apologizing for being attacked, which isn’t the case. The reason for the apology was the time honored reason of “causing trouble” to the company. Obviously, she has stuff she wants to say but the management company has one way or the other silenced her.

The victim of an assault was forced to apologize and you’re out here defending the perps and whining about rape apologist culture whining?

And that’s how you keep your crime rate so low, ladies and gentlemen! 

Its probably her blood type that causes her to act so rashly.

This is absolutely stomach-turning. Any time someone tells me “rape culture” doesn’t exist (and yes, I know, “well, actually” brigade, she wasn’t raped in this instance), I point to shit like this; a woman can be assaulted—in the US, Japan, or anywhere else—and the onus inevitably comes back to her, even if her