Do you know what “Talk to the fist ‘cause the hand is pissed” means?
Do you know what “Talk to the fist ‘cause the hand is pissed” means?
Counterpoint: he should live in fear until he's voted out/guillotined.
Sorry, but that is 100% wrong. They are trying to gaslight us all, and they don’t give a shit what we think. They do nothing in good faith. It doesn’t matter what we do, they will find a way to paint us as an unruly mob. They are not even above outright lying. So go ahead and chase these monsters out of restaurants…
The other side will just make shit up.
Historically disenfranchised people never got equal rights by asking nicely or waiting until after the check came.
His offices are kept on lock-down, to stop him ever having to see the people he’s trampling in the dirt.
I would have stood up and applauded. We need more of this, not less. We’re not at the point in history where things could go one way or another and we need to be cautious. They’re heavily going the very wrong way because of McConnell and his ilk.
This is by far the most common and short sighted argument that I see. Wringing hands worried about what the “other side” will think or do.
Revolutions aren’t generally polite.
Oh how I wish to see more and more “fuck you’s” from developers aimed at the morons who get bent out of shape about petty shit like this.
Well whenever I refer to him, I always capitalise the word Cunt…
Another person joining the “can’t watch videos at work” train... videos that don’t at least have a link to read and be able to skip the video are super frustrating. And please don’t say “watch it when you get home” because 1) I have the memory/ attention span of a 4 year old hopped up on sugar and 2) I have chores and …
Glad I’m not the only one who prefers reading to watching
Is this how the scary stories are being presented this year? I liked having the top 10 in one place and being able to read them. I can’t watch videos at work.
I was a bouncer for a year in college, and had to break up maybe 2 fights the entire time? Anyone who asserts they don’t know a single person who wasn’t in a bar fight hangs out with a lot of assholes.
When it comes to Weird Al....don’t question it. Just be glad he’s here.
I regret that I have but one star to give these comments. The problem is getting worse with these dirt bag bullet points. They can’t even be bothered to write a single full sentence anymore.
Was going to say this too. One or two is fine but that whole section requires a click through. Very, very annoying.
You and Bobby both making me click on links to get my celebrity gossip fix...I don't like it!
We didnt say anything when that lying lazy idiot before him was in office.