
Some form of Lucas Electric smoke I’m sure.

This caricature of Ross is more fitting.

Open grate bridges, the worst.

I’m still waiting for my flying car (see avatar).

Crapola, I’m driving through there on Saturday.

It’s hot... Africa hot.

My ‘86 Buick Electra will outlive me.

The blue one makes it to my heart faster.

I never cared much for Genevieve. She thought walking around barefoot was cool and hated ceiling fans. 

Automotive Industrial Design, especially exterior styling, is famous for burning people out young. (I’ve known a few, it’s a small club) Ms. Barber sounds like a survivor to me. Go get ‘em girl.

Great, now I want to find an LS 400 and start wrenchin.’

Yes... another trick, clothes dry faster while wearing them.

Bring back bellbottoms.

Hopefully no buttons on those back pockets. I’m sure Gandy knows better.

I imagined her as a Volvo person myself.

Never understood those swoopy launch decks; must really hurt a ship’s aerodynamics. [sarcasm]

The graininess gives the car spunk.

Cross post on Jez, then we can blame them.

I suspected it might be. There was a company that made these, Kooble Kar. Out of business now I think. Thanks.