
What do you suggest the DNC do? Did you want them to remove him from convention without any sort of legal process? Even though doing so would rob the people who elected him as delegate their rightful voice at the party convention? How can a democracy function properly when people’s votes are dismissed simply because

Have you seen what really goes in at Trump Rallies? They totally own their racism.

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

She seems pretty fucking incompetent to me. Also zero experience even running a fucking PTA let alone the country. Dip shit

“There is no giant teapot circling the earth” vs. “there is no evidence for a giant teapot circling the earth” vs. “I am not aware of any evidence of a giant teapot circling the earth.” All three statements could be, and probably are equally true. But they mean different things, as a woman who presents herself as

I guess when your press photos appear to be taken at a house party with like 5 people, you’ll take whatever you can get.

No. Evidence is a known thing. There is no evidence. Could there be evidence in the future, sure. Now, there is none. That’s a fact.

many anti anti vaxxers don’t want their loved ones to die because you believe a fantasy

Right, and Donald Trump was being sarcastic about hoping Russia hacks American servers.

An actual doctor running for President is pandering to anti-vaxxers for the sole purpose of reaching that 5% for federal funding of the Green Party.

An actual doctor running for President is pandering to anti-vaxxers for the sole purpose of reaching that 5% for federal funding of the Green Party.

Except for “vaccines cause autism”, which you’re implying.

I think there’s a correlation between autism and people who bitch about clickbait.

I’m don’t need to prove anything. There is no evidence.

“Almost identically worded” has no bearing on the actual meaning of something. I mean you can take a 1500 word statement, add one “no” to it and though it’s “almost identically worded” it can mean the exact opposite.

There is quite a bit of difference between “there is no evidence” and “I am unaware of evidence.”

Yeah, but no. We’re not talking about whether there is a god or not. There is no evidence that vaccines cause autism. None. That’s a fact. What she did was allow the possibility that there is evidence, just that she’s not aware of it. Except there is no evidence.

The reason this is important is that Jill Stein has a habit of deleting tweets when it’s politically expedient. As she did with her pro-Brexit tweets

She fixed the wording to allow herself to continue equivocating. She’s courting the anti-vax crowd.