Wondo’s not going to be happy losing the statue of Crash Davis that comes along with the MLS all-time scoring record.
Wondo’s not going to be happy losing the statue of Crash Davis that comes along with the MLS all-time scoring record.
I imagine this would be tougher in the European league.
This is why we don't forgive them, and why we never allow them to forget it.
This is going to be the entire GOP as soon as Trump leaves office. Same way W was completely forgotten when they rebranded as the Tea Party.
It looks like she’s really just failing miserably at doing a Thumbs Up.
Plus it’s a very poorly-executed bird-flip. Those massive thumb wings detract from the whole presentation. Kids.
The other rich kid friends of Olivia Jade posting “GO OFF!!!” and “OH SHE DID THAT” on her photo is downright embarrassing. Peak wealthy white privilege.
The outfit is so bad, she looks like a kid in a trash bag on Halloween. And the shoes...why.
apparently fled across the Atlantic Ocean to Australia
the whitest picture of the summer
“Your comments were not presidential. I know in my heart that you are better than that.”
I don’t agree. Private insurance is fine, as long as there’s no reduction in their contributions or a tax deduction for people who choose to go private. You pay for M4A, and if you want to pay more to get platinum treatment, great.
Healthcare is shaping up to be one of the defining fights of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.
“When we’re able to hang on to the health plan we have, that’s considered a massive win, but it’s a huge drag on our bargaining,” she told Politico. “So our message is: Get it off the table.”
“It’s a comprehensive look from my perspective of all the challenges I have faced as it relates to issues around racism and the things that I’ve tried to do around the issues of racism,”
I absolutely abhor this dude.
Not a conspiracy theory but a question. If you assume the incompetence &/or stupidity required for giving Mark Halperin anything resembling respect, why not believe he’s been nothing more than a mediocre human?
Ummmm... You know what would be a really useful addition to your article? A link to, or at least a description of how to do, this. You describe this great new feature, but don't explain how to access it.
Remember also that Scalise is a proponent of blocking any form of true Universal Health Care. Why should the average Joe be allowed to have the same level of taxpayer funded care at minimal out-of-pocket cost that he received when he’d been shot and seriously injured?