
Not really. There has to be some order to our border. (this is coming from a Mexican American who has family/friends that have crossed over)

They actually go over material and sometimes rehearse before the actual “interview” on-stage so Keanu knew that this question was coming in one form or another.

Just about cried when I listened to Sylvia for the first time. Hospice is emotional on so many levels. 

Love it. Reminds me of the 1993 Prelude which is still my favorite car interior ever.

Unfortunately yes I’d say MOST churches still think being gay is a sin and it’s still the very reason why I struggle with my Christian faith. How can a God who says it loves “ALL” except someone who wants to love the same sex? If you say you want to go to heaven and except him shouldn’t that be great enough?

Nothing about the XT6 speaks to me. The design looks pretty bland, I mean even the Aviator isn’t wow but it definitely has a ton more presence and the interior on the XT6 is seriously boring and uninspired. Compare this to the Aviator and it’s a night and day difference. Heck compare this to the new Kia Telluride and

I’ve gone to Chipotle at least once a week for the past 6 months and haven’t gotten sick yet. Let’s hope the new year keeps my streak going.

I actually liked it. The brother and sister acting wasn’t great but wasn’t expecting an Oscar performance and the whole Dad plot line was actually nice too but when the elfs came on the screen it really threw everything off for me and all the great build up it had was ruined.

Damn, the exterior and interiors of the Continental, Navigator, and Aviator are some of the best I’ve seen in ever for Lincoln.

We already had the pieces in place, Mack, Carr, Cooper, and now all of a sudden we have to do it again? Just stop.

Nope, need to get rid of Gruden. It’s obvious he’s in over his head and is trying to fit schemes on this players that aren’t working. Feel bad for Carr the most. It’s like his what 5th head coach and new offense all over again almost every year. How can you succeed as a QB that way?

I’m kind of torn on this to be honest. I LOVE both Audrey and Brian both, but am not too sure on the direction the reboot is taking. What made Childs Play so scary was the concept of a innocent child play doll coming alive and killing everyone.

Honestly, this sounds like something that could and sadly probably will by the r/TheDonald subreddit.

Yeah, I was a huge fan of the Cosby show when it had the re-runs on Nick@Nite but after hearing about Cosby I just couldn’t look at the show the same way.

Why? She won’t wi..... ah shit, I feel like we’ve been here before.

Great article. My wife is a VERY busy woman who happens to own a small business and also take care of our very beautiful 4 month old daughter. When a baby is hungry, a baby is fucking hungry and will cry till it gets it’s nutrients. Also when it’s hot as hell outside our daughter sweats A LOT because she has so much

Ugh, NBC pls don’t do this. I loved The office when it had come out and still binge it on Netflix at least 2-3 times a year but this is not a good idea. Please don’t ruin the reputation and legacy of the show.

Wow, this makes me incredibly sad. It’s tragic on both ends. Makes me sad that she has to go to jail for this. What she really needs is a great support system, and rehabilitation and possibly some counseling because I’m sure this will stay with her forever.

“Mr. Pruitt I just can’t believe how you and your overloard and our dear leader Donald Trump are making America so much greater than it ever was!!! Can you sign my childs breathing treatment machine??!!”

Yep it’s true, also for anyone who wants to watch Family Matters and fill their 90's nostalgia, it’s on Hulu. :)