Doh! Totally forgot how much they had left.
Doh! Totally forgot how much they had left.
The Oakland Raiders.
I have a 4K TV. Pretty useless so far, only a few shows on NETFLIX/HULU but man they look pretty damn good when I can watch them. Might get this PS4 when it comes out now.
Hey, your’e also on TTAC!
This is possibly the best line I have ever read in history. I literally laughed out loud in my office. I think mainly because although I didn’t have the same job as you, my personal experience after graduating was almost the same. Luckily we are on better paths. Thank you for the laugh.
No you won’t. 2 totally different games as one is an action first person shooter for the most part with not really any scary bits as all the aliens are easily disposable compared to Isolation which is more of a survival horror and not being able to dispense the alien but only divert or set traps. I will admit that…
This game was the saving grace to the Alien franchise. The sounds, the detail of the levels, and even the Alien itself made me feel like I was actually there. Colonial Marines felt like the opposite. I wasn’t immersed, I wasn’t scared, I wasn’t anything playing that game except bored.
I’m not going to lie, I haven’t watched wrestling probably since 2002 or 2003, however my older brother who is 33 and his son are still die hard wrestling fans. Watching this actually made me interested again. Mick Foley is hands down my favorite wrestler of all time and seeing Stone Cold come out gave me shivers.
Thanks Rocky.
How dare you good sir. GOOD DAY.
Watch Lars and the real Girl, and watch Half Nelson also maybe Blue Valentine. Those are my top 3 for great Ryan Gosling movies.
Marketing/Advertising Gods if you can hear me, please have Jaleel White do the commercials for this car, dressed as Steve Urkel.
6 months into our marriage and my wife and I are STILL undecided on what to do with this last name. Long story short, she doesn’t like my last name (I’m adopted so I don’t have strong feelings towards my last name anyways), and the process in changing your last name is painstakingly horrible for a woman. We both like…
I’d take the clean sophisicated looks over the Camaro any day, that picture does not make it look good.
Now if they can only bring back Family Matters... I am still in love with that opening theme song..
Louie is actually a really well done show. For some reason when watching Master of None, I felt like it had alot of similarities to Louie in terms of story telling. I think that’s why I liked it so much.
I thought Master of None was great while Kimmy stopped.
Maybe I may have missed this, but.. how the hell does the chassis take that kid of abuse? He must have done some reinforcing somewhere, unless the Panther platform is God’s gift to enthuisists everywhere?
My older brother had the pleasure of owning that crap car. Only 1 of 4 I’ve ever seen on the road. No usable back seat, the radiator overheating every other week, automatic windows that were already off track.
I felt old reading this article because I was still trying to figure out what “ship”. “shipping” was. It’s been 10 years out of highschool and I’m actually glad I’m not in with lingo nowadays because all of it doesnt make sense and ALL of it is stupid. (Insert Grumpy old man get off my lawn meme here)