
I cant let you leave Dave

And, they can instantly post your photos to your social networks so all your friends can know when you come home drunk on a Friday night!Actually, if the system can be internal (i.e. no internet) I think it's a great idea. Once you start "clouding" systems like this it's a security nightmare waiting to happen.

So... they do get to know when I am in my house when I go out, even a photo of drunk on friday night? mmm neee I don't like it

so... u see what happens when u install windows in your computers!!!

The problem is not the storage, the problem is to access the data again.

yeah now lets cut their wires so the rest of the poor blind iranians got no idea of what's going on the world...and could understand and compare their reality to the rest of the world... mmm nice idea!(I am using my ironic face)

So we can easily stop and block the pirate bay, megaupload, and other 15yr old hackers, but "HO MY HO MY" we can't stop some pseudo hackers in Iran... and some pedophiles networks in Europe.... Where is that red pill I want out of the matrix right now!

Amazing work! I love it.

Doc Brown says don't get it over 88 knots.

Why have the horn label bigger than the up and down labels? Pretty sure up and down are a little more important

Just cut their physical land lines connecting them to the internet.

WOW Minute 1:03 of the video, they are using Ubuntu OS! RIP Microsoft Windows, Long Life to Linux!

I think Microsoft did learn that lesson the hard n expensive way, and I think they are going back to the start button and lower task bar, I hope Canonical start taking notes and listening more the users than its UI staff.

Ultron. Hands down. We MUST, not need or want, see him on the big screen. The story behind his origin alone is enough for a helluva movie.

Everyone, actually. No one likes Unity, they even created Mate and Cinnamon just to bring the old Gnome 2 look and feel back.