
You don't want to leave it in contact with the valve stem for long periods of time. From what I have read, carbonic acid can react with brass. I haven't noticed a taste but I have not tried just plain water.

I like this one better

@token_liberal: My city too, really disturbing that it was so close to home. I thought all the skin heads had moved out when that idaho guy left.

@SWarnock: Wow! that is an amazing shot!

Newsflash: The TSA is entering the porn industry. If they like what they see you can expect to receive a call from them to appear in their next film; Gate Rape - an exciting airport tryst filmed on location

@minormillikin: The issue isn't with the airlines being worried about planes blowing up. The feds are worried about planes blowing up or being used as missiles. I would fly any airline that had minimal security. Have the pilots carry a gun and I'd be good to go! I flew Mokulele interisland in hawaii and it was

Here is what I wrote. Feel free to copy and modify as needed.

#5 reminds me of IT Crowd! Have you turned it off and on again?

@RLexM: I really like Percival L. song. Nice techno, video game call backs and would be great in a newscast vid

@qbrad: No, I didn't say the government should be able to spy. If spy gear such as mics, hidden cameras etc were made illegal would that be ok with you? It would not be ok with me; it restricts a free society. Is it ok to have skin deep xray as an available product? Sure. Is it ok in airports? NO! So using said spy

Ok kind of sneaky but I don't see the issue with this app. If someone wants to spy well, let them spy. If you give them access to your phone then that is your fault. Am I the only one that thinks this way?

Anyone care to find the email address of ExpressJet? Let's start an email campaign to pressure them to keep this guy.

@Gilliam: I wouldn't use it for that. It does leave micro scratches on flat areas. I buff the surface after I brush it.

@DanWake: Sharp eye! It is a C-Lark! Very fun boat.

@Freetime: Yes, I used a buffer for the flat work, but the textured area does not get cleaned by a buffer since the valleys are too deep to be reached. After brushing I used a buffer to do the final polish.

Hey thanks for all the comments and a special thanks to Adam for getting this out there!

@RT100: LOL adobe? Me thinks you should talk to Steve instead. He is the one that created the closed architecture

@Odin: Only for testing :P

I have one of these (not the black one) I don't like it very much. Victorinox is a nicer tool.