I’ve never been deployed? Wanna put your money where your bitch ass mouth is?
I’ve never been deployed? Wanna put your money where your bitch ass mouth is?
Cops are surrounded by angry mobs all the time and don’t fire a single round. There are plenty of times where the military has killed innocent civilians because they feared for their lives.
If this was a white guy you would be calling him a trigger happy gun nut.
Still pretty funny. People are still buying new cars that are much more than 10% their income.
Ok thanks, that makes sense.
I thought while their actual cost is under invoice but selling for anything below invoice they figured would cost them money? Basically my understanding was invoice price was what they could sell without losing money. Basically, invoice is the price they need to keep operations running. While the actual cost of the…
This is literally stupid ass kid shit to get bent out of shape over. They showed what they showed, grow up.
Does someone really think that just because of COVID-19 dealers will lose money on a sale???
Mine is a 2010.
The point of the partnership was to bring a 2 seat sports car to market. Just because it does not get 1 small update it makes zero sense to question the point of the partnership. You are really taking something super minor and trying to blow it up into something more than it is. I’m not sure your rational for that,…
This is the new Jalopnik.
Having owned one of these before my E63 I would say NP. That being said I would want my MB guy to look it over before sale. The current owner seems to have completed some pretty smart modifications, so i’m not too worried there were corners cut. The M113k is a great motor and very reliable. Sometimes I do miss the…
Pretty sure Elon Musk doesn’t live with his parents, he went to school, and has a real job........................and wait for it, he still plays video games!
The guy is trash but its also funny to see how mad you guys get that you cant get to him. He is pretty untouchable and it pisses you guys off so much lol.
The article didn’t make it very clear but was it part of his job to show to the photo call and stand in front of the AM? Or was it just something he was going to do on his own accord?
Idk, I like them.
That is what happens when the uber rich don’t throw the little guys enough of a bone. If the rich keep taking the poors will become restless and we are seeing the very early signs of what is to come if they don’t change their ways.
How about racists like your Michael go and finally have your war with the racist white ass hats? Us normal people wish you racists would both just wipe each other out.
Still giving black men a pass. At least you have advanced to only doing it when its a white woman.
Unless your mask is air tight unfiltered air is getting out anyways.