
Still getting an iPhone when the 5th gen comes out. Let them save a jpeg of my location locally all they want. And no, we shouldn't blame the news sites for publicizing this; it's their job. Blame the commenters for acting all Y2K.

It didn't fail. It just worked at 50% efficiency. :)

Although I agree that Portal and Portal 2 are vastly more creative and funny, there is substance to that debate. Portal games have very little replay value due to lack of competitive multiplayer. CoD games give me a solid 6 months. Portal gives me an amazing 2 weeks.

If this is a government-related issue, this whole thing becomes a bit scary but... I do love how the press has the freedom to publish an article like this without persecution.

Well here's the thing... If they're just doing this for heatmapping to see where they need cell towers (this is some weird excuse for them I just thought of), then I wouldn't care. The problem is, it wastes a little battery life, no?

My local library has this with Barnes and Noble Nooks

The community has pretty much come to a consensus that they're slightly backing off. They changed the name to just SSX and the marketing seems to have been more, umm, friendly. I like the change but also had no problem with Deadly Descents.

I absolutely hate this whole community backlash. Portal 2 is excellent and the Campaing/CoOp are long enough. These PC/Mac gamers are attacking one of their best allies. I play on Xbox 360 and Mac and I'm proud to say that I love Portal 2, the ARG was fun, and Valve is one of the best developers out there. Top 3 for

Offer free tethering - Get bad reviews

Silly media thinks this is all that Valve has up its sleeve. You'll see. You'll all see.

"Who will police the police?" - A dangerous question...

Hi, I'm an Xbox 360 owner and I think i'll be getting a 2nd console. I want this.

If the pitch makes it so the pitch is impossible to hit... then i'd say he should maybe win it. If it's just a low percentage pitch, of course he should win.

I've always loved this one.

Good point. Never thought of that. Thanks :)

I fuckin' hate those itunes receipts. Always coming a week later and stuff...

One correction is that it will have a native E-mail app soon but otherwise, you're review is spot on. This thing will probably be great very soon but not right at launch.

Ubisoft? Not buying.

These types of E-mails don't just come up years later. This must be some sort of last-minute idea to fake some E-mails. I call bullshit.

Well then they mislead me correctly :p