
…who’s burned the land, boiled the sea, and taken the sky from somebody you’ve never met before.

I don’t like that her trousers are so high and now that I have associated her top and suspenders with Mork from Ork I can’t help but think of that every time I see it.

Ben McAdoo looks like the guy who watches his ex-wife’s kids while she out on a date with Jeff Fisher.

Too many toes and a hard tackle.  Rex Ryan just soaked his beanbag chair

Couple of tricks to get someone to move their car when it’s parked outside of your home everyday.

Maybe they should make a film about Sith Lords getting stuck in a shopping center on Coruscant. I personally would love to see Maulrats.

Buster Busted By Beanball Because Brinson Beef Briefly Burned Bright

His new hour is pretty weak though

No. She’s the new Hitler. Her version of Mein Kampf is sweeter, with more body, and read by Max Headroom.

There isn’t a Trump alive that should be considered a keeper

Please see every Kardashian/Real Housewife/Bachelor contestant ever.

It means the red zone is obviously not a problem for many of us. Like him, I’ve never died either in 75 hours of game time, despite being out in the open quite a few times.

“Obviously, we’re not a fan of it. He’s a young kid. I could’ve said something at 2nd base but they have tremendous veteran leadership over there.”

This needs way, WAY more stars.

Sounds like CNN has a real mess on its hands.

Oh in that case I changed my mind and am not enjoying it at all.

To be fair, San Andreas and Journey to the Center of the Earth are indeed ground-based films.

the joy of a thousand burning suns.


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