
So basically, enemy of my enemy is still my enemy but hopefully the one that’s slightly better wins, but then goes and looks at the body of the other one and his venom sac spits one last time and they both die fade to black?

Why are all of the GotG banners action shots except for Gamora’s which is the most Burt Reynolds wearing only a cowboy hat since Burt Reynolds posed with a cowboy hat?

I mean, I know the answer, but still.

He’ll eventually make the HoF because the NFL requires five guys to go in every year regardless. If the NFL is still around in 3215, Johnny Manziel’s ancestors are going to get the call.

That being said, I think Romo makes it in with a valid case.

You apparently have very hairy legs.

I mean, has it already been said that that’s an extraordinarily low bar to clear?

I’d have liked to have seen it hit that board from the 80cm that they used to go through the cardboard box. You shoot anything at mach 2 into something 10cm away and it’s going to do some damage. Nerf dart, marshmallow, used kleenex...

Not that it wouldn’t do damage at 80, but still.

Man, this is only going to be a validation to the Cheeto-in-Chief’s claim that they did it to themselves...

I ended up stealing that when I worked in a call center and could tell when a certain co-worker called me. She thought it was funny.

It’s not that she has yellow eyes... Yellow eyes! So help me God, YELLOW EYES!!!

I would legitimately pay upwards of $0.25 USD to get to see Ashley’s IM’s to her co-workers all day long.

It’s pretty bad when I’d rather have Gaius Baltar than the Laura Roslyn we’ve got right now.

Yeah, it’s tough. But I would say that if you’re doing an homage of old cheesecake pinups, then no matter what theme you use for that homage, you’re sexualizing it. That was the gist of the original material, so that’s going to carry over.

And that’s perfectly fine! If it was Star Wars, or LotR, or Overwatch, it’s

Its kind of splitting hairs, really. They spend seven years wearing school outfits, and maybe at the end theyre considered legal.

Don’t get me wrong, I very much appreciate the pinups, and it’s not like there’s a lot of non-school based HP costuming that they could have gone with, but it still makes me feel just a

It’s very well done, but then I remember that it’s sexualizing girls who are at most 17, and I start to feel bad.

What’s the fun in playing the game if there’s no sense of exploration and danger by traveling around on the ground? Yeah, it’s great to fly, but you miss out on trying to find the best way to get to places on foot, or experiencing the game to its fullest if you just fly over everything and don’t bother to see what’s

It looks like she actually scared the shit out of the guy with the ax to start with, he visibly flinches up against the wall when she gets there.

I mean granted no one else is stupid enough to try this, but if they were, is Middle Arkansas State A&M Polytechnic University going to hire an assistant towel boy for the Duke training staff so they can claim this kind of bullshit?

I think MoP stuff will be just fine by 105 honestly. I tried to solo Oondasta on my Pally, and that did NOT go well. He chased me halfway back to the mainland. All of the Pandaria content is still green at 100 though, but my Blood DK friend said he managed to solo the first raid by himself, but that's basically a solo

You don’t need anything more than your bad self to solo the old raids up to Cata at this point. They buffed players to godlike levels and nerfed the everloving shit out of the mobs for you. But it would be cool to do it with an Ashbringer and pretend you’re the manifestation of The Light made flesh.

You should ask Ron Jeremy if his face cancels out his dick. I don't think he'd agree with you.