Comrade Dzerzhinsky

Where are you getting your weed because I want some of what you’re smoking. Shooting every day for a year? You must be getting that Rob Ford special in your pipe. Toronto is one of the safest cities on the planet, if you think it’s “pretty frickin bad” you need to get our of your bubble. Sure, compared to bumfuck

Anger? I’m laughing at you because you’re a dumbass poser who thinks having lived in London makes him superior. You are the worst kind of douchenozzle my friend, worse than the Brooklynn hipsters.

Easy there tough guy, you lived in London? Shit, what a baller. Toronto couldn’t handle you in all your central london glory.

Says the loser who couldn’t hack it in Toronto.

I don’t know what Toronto you live in, but it is nothing like America. Toronto has a murder rate of 2 people per 100000, there isn’t a single major American city with a murder rate that low, and many with a much lower population and a much higher murder rate

Joe Clark was a failure and a disgrace for a head of state. Get your head out of your ass.