SE needs to do this for Kingdom Hearts.
SE needs to do this for Kingdom Hearts.
Well, they had said on the stream that it’d be out in less than a month and before March. So... Not really a surprise.
Still wonder what's going to happen with the Pieri and Zero scene. All the blood and stabbing and sex innuendos.
Censoring dialogue, removing entire features now? Seriously? -_-; I don’t want my friends back in the states to play this empty crap.
Yes. She has a game where she stabs the servants and their blood gets all over her. She feels no guilt when she does so; she thinks it’s a game, and hates all servants.
Seriously? Remove this? After all the name-changes already?
Please don’t try and put feminism into factions or something. I use the internet and I’m a feminist. Does that make me your oh-so-hated internet feminist? And there are reasons feminsts are offended by things. It’s not just stupid OH MY GOD THAT GUY IS EATING A CAKE. I WANT A CAKE TOO. It can range from social rights…
It’s too bad that society (Japanese society) included says that women SHOULD wear high heels to look fashionable. It’s even expected in workplaces for women.
Story of Seasons is long as hell and is VERY far away from the original. Not sure where you’re getting that idea...
I was personally hoping for more Fire Emblem If characters... But thank you for this list! I was just looking the other day for a list of the FE characters in this game.
To be fair, the Level 5 anniversary presentation was just as dissapointing. All they talked about was Yokai Watch and Layton. Not, you know, the RPGS THAT STARTED THEIR FRIGGIN COMPANY.
MLP? No way. lol
I think this show is stupid as all hell, but Mouse House was a great show that showcased old cartoons with new ones. That’s the one Disney Mickey Mouse show I actually enjoyed...
As someone who plays the Japanese games (Bokujo Monogatari), I still am baffled as to why they didn’t just take the opportunity to change the American title of the series into a direct translation: “Ranch Story.” (Or Farm Story, or Farmer’s Story, or Rancher’s Story, Farmer’s Tale, etc). It just causes confusion all…
The pre-orders were abundant. Then everyone started selling back their copies.
While I agree with FF9 so much it HURTS, you’re missing Shadow Hearts 3, Mana Khemia (1 or 2), and Ar Tonelico (1 or 2), the most creative, fun, and involving JRPGs ever created. And I think you can consider Dark Cloud 1 and 2 JRPGs as well. So you really missed out on that one.
Meh, I’ve been playing Sora no Kiseki Evolution on Vita, and it’s... OK. It ‘s kind of dull, honestly. Combat is boring, even more boring than a turn-based RPG with menus and without the moving strategy. The story is... pretty much the same one every “the kingdom is being taken over!” story does. The characters aren’t…
No FF9 characters, no sale. Why does SE think everyone loves 13??