
Most of the weddings I have gone to have been dry weddings, of the two that have had alcohol, one was a cash bar, one had a few kegs and a shitload of wine. I've enjoyed 'em all equally.

Agreed. She looks like a blonde version of my fiance's sisters.

Ever since I made the realization that she looks like my fiance's sisters, I can't hate her.

Due to funding issues, my local PP doesn't give out free condoms, you have to pay for them. They also don't do a sliding scale for payments, or any sort of free or reduced price care, except for a discount on depo and bc bills if you're self-pay.

Even worse? A long length of time since your last job combined with the "you need experience to get a job, but need a job to get experience" issue. I'm in that boat right now. I'm entering my third year of unemployment with just six months experience in my field.

Rotisserie chicken (bought from a store, but reheated), homemade macaroni and cheese, and broccoli.

I'm not a fan of sweatpants (don't even own a pair, honestly) but I love any job where I can wear jeans, or scrubs (my background is medical front office).

Hah say yes to the dress is one of my favorite shows. Partially cause I love seeing the dresses, partially cause I love judging the women buying them. It's even more fun when my fiancé is home, cause he gets seriously outraged and yells at the tv.

Yeah, where my roommate worked, the hostesses took takeout orders during slow periods, but on busy nights they had a dedicated server who did nothing but work the take-out counter.

I'd say, don't do a full tip like you would if you were dining in, but tip 2 bucks or so, because the one running your food out is usually the one taking the order, boxing it up and making sure you have utensils, napkins, etc.

When I was in college, my roommate was a waitress. On nights where she worked the take-out counter, she had to take the order (this was before online ordering was a big thing, so just in person or over the phone) and then actually box up the food, bag it and make sure they had napkins, forks, etc. So, a little more

Yeah, I didn't see what the big deal was with the song, either. My facepalming was at Gabby's response. I've never been a fan of limiting what kids listen to, so my godchildren listened to what I listened to.

Hah, yeah. I had a facepalm-inducing moment when Gabby was in first grade, I was dropping her off at school, and she walked into class singing "I wanna be sedated" by the Ramones. Her teacher told her it wasn't really an appropriate song for her, and I followed her into the class just in time to hear Gabby's response

I have two goddaughters, 18 and 11. The 18 year old I helped raise, in the I was her babysitter sense. The 11 year old? Her mom died while delivering her, leaving her 22 year old father to be a single parent. Me, being her father's best friend, literally raised her with him until I moved out of state when she was 8

That's one thing I miss about moving from Florida to North Carolina. Yeah, I couldn't technically buy liquor at Walmart or Publix, but they had liquor stores attached, so I could do my grocery shopping, then go right next door to buy booze.

Yes! My fiance and I got the Maple Bacon one to try, and we drank one sip each and then dumped the rest, it was horrible.

It's not streaming on Netflix, but if you have the DVD plan you can get it that way. I hate doing tv shows on DVD through Netflix though cause it ties up my queue for over a month per show.

This is what my sister-in-law does. She's like "I fully admit I love the show, but yeah, the third season is, uh, problematic"

Nah. In 33 years, I can count the number of weeks I've spent with my dad's family on one hand. I adore his sister and one of his brothers, but the rest of the family is basically trash. My aunt's granddaughters are my age, and give me shit for actually going to college and not getting knocked up multiple times while

Now, my family on the other hand? If I had any regular contact with them, there's more than a few who deserve an ass kicking or two.