
I use a debit card too, and a few months ago I was able to get a charge made on it reversed. It took a few months for the bank to investigate, but they gave me a provisional credit in the mean time, so I didn't have to wait until the investigation was complete to get the money back.

Ok. I wasn't 100% sure on that, which is why I started my comment with 'I think'. So thanks :)

I think you can donate organs and still donate your body to a med school, so you could possibly do both.

I completely understand that. My fiancé and I spent most of the last three years living in a 473 sq ft apartment where the only space for my desk was in the bedroom.

I guess I was a child until I was 30 years old, in that case.

I actually used to use powdered coffeemate in my oatmeal when I was a kid.

I fully agree. My parents always made sure my brother and I helped with cleaning the living room, kitchen and bathroom, but we could keep our bedrooms however we wanted, as long as we kept our bedroom doors closed.

Yeah, I have a strict no top sheet policy when it comes to making the bed now! I was worried about telling my strict, über religious dad I was sexually active and bisexual, but he handled it surprisingly well (exact words were "well, if you're doing it with girls, at least you can't get pregnant")

Yikes! Yeah, having to tell my fairly strict, über religious father that not only was I sexually active, but also bisexual, was rough, but he actually handled it pretty well (exact words: "if you're doing it with girls, at least you won't get pregnant -.-) and at least no cops were involved.

I wish it was a crazy position! It was actually during a position change, I moved too far, fell off the bed and my leg got tangled in the sheets, and in the scramble to get untangled/right side up the tear happened. The worst part was, I was a senior in high school at the time, and I had to explain the injury to my

Hope you feel better soon! In response to how you injured yourself, if it's any comfort, I once tore my quad muscle while having sex. At the time that injury happened, I was an active baseball player and ballet dancer.

They grew up together and (in the past at least, dunno about now) considered each other family.

My newest pair of glasses were dirty before I even left the doctor's office after getting them, seriously.

I'm...I'm doing the best I can, I guess is the only way to say it. I had three deaths in three months last year (my mother, my cat, and my best friend of over 20 years), but I'm surviving. And yeah, I know it's partially that people just dunno what to say.

Thanks for this. My mother died a year ago this past Tuesday, and none of my friends have thought to ask how I'm coping this week.

If I was a boy (which is what my parents were expecting until I popped out) my name was gonna be Daniel Andrew, after my mom's oldest brother.

I'm 25 years older than her, and I want that dress. You're not alone.

Does she actually smell? I've been a shower every 2-3 days person pretty much since I graduated high school (over 15 years now) and get no complaints from anyone (and my friends and family tend towards being blunt on such matters, so I'd get complaints if there was an issue). I wash armpits and lady bits daily, and do

No. It's the original vault hunters from the first game, your character from the second game, and Tiny Tina.

You're not alone! Not only did I have that thought, but my fiance, reading over my shoulder, asked the same thing.