
4th gear: Why in Hell would Chrysler make a 300C wagon when they've got a recent Magnum design they could update? The Magnum was one of the coolest wagons in history, and if justifying development costs is the real issue, then go for something with less development costs, like a design that was current—and

I am laughing so hard that I might be mistaken for drunk.

Which speak not only to the car guy's wealth, but to the fact that he's an actual car guy, and not just some douchebag who owns a country.


Maybe it's the beer I drank last night (Coors—what was I thinking?) but I LOVE THIS CAR and if I had $5k I'd be in Baltimore this afternoon.

Yo bro, don't crap on our parade.

Well, that was a crappy thing to do to someone.

Cheers, amigo, and good luck. This chicken is for you.

Ooh. Cool website.

Depends on what kind of car it is.

Because they're delicious. Only problem is they're so hard to catch.

What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Made the whole video.

Just finished reading this article and was surprised to find some sort of flood had occurred on my desk, like someone had emptied a gallon jug of water in the space between my keyboard and the desk's edge.

Here. Take one of these.

AWESOME! I love when Jalopnik does aviation posts! Wait—what the? Where's the rest of the helicopter?

No—what if it's 28 minutes 9 seconds?

Or, God forbid, 28:09?

It took me a long time to warm up to Cadillac as a performance sedan company. Had to get rid of almost 40 years of thinking of them as luxo-cruiser, rich-old-bastard cars. In that frame of mind, the plain old CTS looked absurd.
