
I do believe I'll have a bit of fun with that tomorrow. I want those shoes.

Si, amigo.

. . . .we'll use them as coasters!

Them's fightin' words, hombre.

stupid editing time limit

The Morris Marina fan club. What've those wanks got against falling pianos? Pianos fall <i.all the="" time!<="" i="">

For a computer class in 7th grade, I turned a Choose Your Own Adventure book into a game using BASIC. Blew my teacher's mind—everyone else was making dancing men made out of text, or BASIC-based calculator programs. Got an A on that one. Inspired by the very games of which you speak, and by realizing that adding two

I hope the Countryman wins. Then maybe folk will realize how stupid this award is, and will quit paying it any attention at all.


Now playing

Why you don't want to become a New Zealand fisherman. Stupid river bars!

I pass a parked 2nd generation MR2 everyday on the way to work. I know it doesn't perform nearly as well as the 1st or 3rd, but damn, I think it's the prettiest car Toyota's built since the 60s. I shall have one someday.

It's 2011. $5000 is the new $3000.

That was a good one.

Love the casualness of the photographer.

A washed, dent free Voyager would stand out here like a brand new penny on asphalt.

What the—! It's not time for the ridiculously awesome wallpaper yet!

It also makes you see colors funny.

I'm not saying anything about the illegal immigration.

I cried.