Was I an astronaut and I wanted to commit suicide, I'd do it astronaut style—I'd sit my ass on top of a missile and fire myself into space!
Was I an astronaut and I wanted to commit suicide, I'd do it astronaut style—I'd sit my ass on top of a missile and fire myself into space!
Welcome, Raphael, and best of luck on your new gig. Hope your skin's thick. But just in case, here's a nice cubicle-warming present.
The Answer is usually always the Lancia Stratos.
Now take a person already insane enough to purchase multiple Citroens and put him out in the desert and whadya get? More craziness. Incredible, awesome craziness.
Crazy is a big part of cool, and no one's crazier than the French, with Citroen ruling the asylum.
Old friend of mine had a 1978 BMW 530i that bad the word "BASTER" scratched into the hood. As if some previous owner's spurned ex-girlfriend had tried to key the word "bastard" but spelled it wrong and ran out of room for the "d". Frickin' awesome car.
Dream project: a 914 with no rust and the motor already removed and a rear-end wrecked WRX. Plus 3 years of free time and welding/fabrication skills beyond what I currently possess.
Love me a 914.
I'll move my Jeep for
Really pronounced from this angle, hey?
Doctor Watson wins!
Damn you, Morpheus!
Hate not the haiku
I love that 5.0 now lets us replace images with misspellings.
Yar! What's that you say?
Five seven five 'Stang
Bwa ha ha!
I dunno. . . one of the coolest things that ever happened to me was when my 2nd gear synchro went out and I had to learn to double clutch to downshift into 2nd. Made normal driving feel more like racing.
This'd look even better in a front yard.