
Dude. Could you write two stories a day instead of just one? 'Cuz they rock.

And this is what they do after they get shot down.

I don't get it at all, either. Mostly, I think it's just easier for people with no technical understanding to pick from three choices instead thirty. There's already a bazillion models to choose from. Too many choices on a single model might blow too many minds.

Awe. Some.

No dab here—apparently he buys oppo by the barrel.

His 'Murican cuz.

You're dang right about their go-kart characteristics.

HA! Yeah, in current usage of what people expect from them, absolutely. Mmmmm. . . cold dry refried beeeeans. . . .

I don't remember how I got to that solution except that I figured out with a friend that hitting the starter with the hammer made it work. But I didn't want to crawl under the car every time I wanted to move, so somehow I ended up with the rig I described.

I thought I'd clicked you back when you had those awesome pics of your destroyed motor. Maybe it got lost in 5.0 somewheres.


Wohoo! Riches!


Your image of roasting tires in Berkeley. . . . that's genius.


It would make mine, too, just to have the old Jeep again, even if I still had to start it that way. Damn, that car was great.

The 1989-1994 Geo Metro.

Everything is better with more cylinders.

The car that makes me want to go back to school for a mechanical engineering degree. The car that is everything good and pure and right about driving with none of the hypercar douche-iness. The car that shows that ass-kicking function can produce beautiful form.

Thank you, paul, for the kick-ass write-up. I would normally choose to ignore this, but it's too damned funny, given your battle with the hamster. He's out for blood today.